Improve the Workplace with Technology – Part 1

Promote a Healthier Lifestyle


Turn up, do your job, go home.  Is that how you want your employees to think about the workplace?  Surely, we can do better than this? (Yes, we can, but don’t call me Shirley!!)

There are many aspects of our lives that we neglect when at work.  If we break this down into 3 main categories we can begin to see how technology can help to develop better habits for our staff.  These 3 categories are Health, Social and Financial.  Firstly, we will look at Health.

We are aware of the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle but very few of us are able to do this without considerable effort.  There is an increasing desire among responsible employers to help and technology can assist in many ways.

Fitness  Some employers offer gym membership but many employees would rather remove their right arm than join a gym!  Include everyone by replacing this with a health and fitness budget.  New running shoes, sports equipment, tennis club membership could all qualify and are far more inclusive.  This can all be managed through an online hub and provide ideas for people who want to get more active without pounding out miles on a treadmill!  In addition Fitbit users can integrate with workplace software to run in-house corporate leader-boards.

Diet  Among other benefits, healthy eating can boost energy.  In today’s society eating healthily requires effort.  It is too easy to grab a ready meal or order a takeaway instead of cooking a healthy alternative.  A workplace hub can promote healthy eating through links to companies like Gousto who provide recipe boxes delivered to the home.  Free fruit in the office can help people to eat their 5-a-day and can also be promoted through a communications hub.

Encourage Healthy Habits  How many workplaces provide assistance to smokers?  As part of a wellbeing budget, employers could provide aids to help kick the habit.  Also, too many social events revolve around drinking.  A social noticeboard can give employees the chance to organise events such as charity work, walks or sporting events that can add social glue to the workplace without the alcohol.

Sleep  Good sleep hygiene can have a positive impact on memory, creativity, learning, attention and help to lower stress. These all add up to make a well rested employee more productive.  Why do employers not provide support on this?  A communications hub in the workplace can emphasise the importance of a good night’s sleep. You can take this further by providing advice and access to a sleep therapist.

Lose Weight  This can be a sensitive topic to people who are overweight and difficult to address in the workplace but that doesn’t mean employers should avoid offering assistance.  The above habits should all help but some people like to track their weight loss.  Perhaps offer a weekly weigh-in and specialist assistance for those who respond to short term goals.  For those brave enough, they could post their progress through a workplace communications hub to provide an added incentive.

Healthcare There are some great Flexible Health Cash Plans in the market from providers such as Westfield Health that can provide your employees with relevant levels of cover selected through a Flexible Benefits Platform.  Communicate everything from through a centralised hub.

Lightbox is an Employee Communication Platform and can help with all of the above.  Our software is ready to be customised to complement your health and wellbeing strategies.

Get in touch to learn more.