Training and support

Feel empowered with all the help you need

Although we all use software every day, we rarely take full advantage of what the software can do for us. This is often because we are not sure what other functionality exists, how we could benefit from it, or how to use it. At Lightbox Reward we want you to get the best out of our employee benefits software, so we know that training and ongoing support is important to allow you to really exploit what the employee benefits portal can do for you, your company and your employees.

We provide full initial training for your HR or employee benefits team or benefits advisors.  This training includes:

We continue to support you by telephone and email after implementation and we contact you after three months to make sure that everything is going well and that you and your staff are happy. After you have used the software for a while you might want to develop your use of it further, as we have found with other clients, and so we continue to contact you every three months during your first year so that we can help you with that. After the first year these calls will become annual. Our development plans are driven by our users so these calls give us a chance to help you, but also to listen to your ideas.

We believe that our culture of caring for our customers, alongside our great employee benefit management system, is what sets us apart.